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Snehal Khatavkar 
User Research. Service Design

Explore my work

As an architect, I have worked on diverse projects including, education campus design, residential architecture, urban design designing sustainable and accessible spaces. 

Accessibility in heritage

Dec 2017

Reflecting on the experience of surveying heritage monuments in India under the Accessible India Campaign. The journey of observing heritage sites from under the lens of universal accessibility unraveled a series of questions about access, the meaning of heritage and the idea of universality in a diverse country like India.


Design research for educational spaces

Feb 2021

Understanding the different ways in which children assimilate and perceive information. The findings of studying the physical, cognitive, socio emotional development]s in children is reflected in the various design iterations within space planning, furniture and products.


​ Homestead in the sunderbans 

Jan 2021

Cyclone resilient solutions to aid the people of sunder bans in leading a life free from forced migration, poverty, risk to life while preventing further ecological imbalance. 

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Building craft centre ​

August 2020 

A craft center in Orissa focusing on upskilling artisans and the practice of craft in the Indian Building Industry. The project allowed for in- depth knowledge of construction processes, material research.   

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